An online policy is used for encrypting data written to a file system and protecting data with access control. 在线策略,用于加密写到文件系统的数据,以及通过访问控制保护数据。
Research of Multi-granularity Data Access Control Model For PDM System PDM多粒度数据访问控制模型的研究
The model and algorithms are useful for concurrent environment in which multiple subjects'access and modify data and access control policies, while the policies are in effect. 在并发环境中,多个主体读写数据和修改访问控制策略并互相影响时,可直接应用该模型与算法。
Privacy-Aware Data Purpose based Access Control for Relational Database 基于PURPOSE的隐私数据访问控制模型
Integrating with firewall, IDS and IP tunnel, the system constructs secure environment of data access control and data transmission. 整套系统中防火墙、入侵检测与IP隧道实现了无缝集成,提供了安全可靠的数据访问控制和数据传输环境。
We present a dynamic model of data management in CPDS. Also, the major methods for data management are described, including object-relation data model, description of data with topology relationship, data access control, et al. 包括数据管理的动态模型、对象关系数据模式、设计模型数据及其关系的描述和表示方法、基于角色的数据访问控制等内容。
Date share system provided by Visual FoxPro can realize database management in multi user network environment. The data access control consists of exclusive access and shareable access of tables and data lock. 利用VISUALFOXPRO中的数据共享机制能实现网络多用户环境下的数据库管理.在VISUALFOXPRO中,数据访问控制包括表的排他访问、表的共享访问和封锁数据;
This paper describes a lightweightauthorization service developed to solve this problem in the project requirements: data access control service ( DACS). 该文在实际需求下建立了一个轻量级访问控制服务DACS。
Design and Realization of Data Access for Networked Control Systems 网络化控制系统数据访问的设计与实现
A Management Model in Data Access Control Systems 数据访问控制系统的管理模型
The functions that have implemented include user verification collection and accounting of data flow, access control based on users, network address translation, packet filtering and log record. 系统实现的功能包括用户验证接入、流量数据采集与计费、基于用户的访问控制、网络地址转换、包过滤和日志记录。
The authorization and access request rules and constraints of spatial region access control were defined, and the method of spatial data access control was described in detail. 给出了授权和访问请求判断的方法,建立了二维空间区域访问控制模型。
The importance of the security of database of forestry enterprise information systems and the security characteristics of the relevant databases are analyzed in the article. Three methods are presented here for ensuring security: password protection, data privacy and access control. 本文对林业企业信息系统中数据库安全的重要性、数据库的主要安全特点等进行了分析,并列举了数据库安全性控制的三种方法:即口令保护、数据加密和存取控制。
It is demonstrated that this approach, which improves data privacy, data integrality, access control and key management, has better performance based on better security. 该方法在数据保密性、数据完整性、访问控制以及密钥管理等方面做了改进,并被证明在保证更好的安全性的基础上提高了性能。
In the practical well drilling, we urgently need a new kind supervising system which can not only meet the requirement of on-the-scene well drilling, but can also support remote data access and control. 实际的钻进生产实践中,迫切需要既能满足现场使用,又可以进行数据远程实时访问、监测与控制的新型油田钻井参数监测系统。
Research of data access control based on partial encryption 基于部分加密XML文档的访问控制研究
Temporal multilevel data access control model 基于时态的多级数据访问控制方法
Research in E-Government Data Access Control Frame Based on XML 基于XML的电子政务数据访问控制框架研究
But with the development of the application system, the traditional user access control need solving tow problems. The one is to realize the data access control at the cell granularity level, and the other is to make the user be the maker of the access policy. 但是随着应用系统的发展,传统的用户访问控制技术需要解决两个问题,即实现对于数据项粒度级别的数据访问控制和让用户能够成为访问控制策略的制定者。
Study on Reverse Link Packet Data Media Access Control Technologies 反向链路分组数据业务媒体接入控制技术的研究
Hardware sub-system was composed of computer, data access and control card, CO_2 enrichment controller, CO_2 concentration sensor, sugar free plant tissue culture box and gas source. 硬件子系统主要包括计算机、数据采集卡、CO2增施器、CO2传感器、无糖组培箱、气源。
And then, security control of platform is introduced which include data encrypting, access control and other security control means. 然后介绍了平台的安全控制方法:数据加密、访问控制和其他安全控制方法。
Therefore, using Grid DBMS for effective data access control has become the key to the development of grid database. 因此,利用网格数据库管理系统对数据进行有效的访问控制,已成为网格数据库发展的关键。
But multicast communication protocol did not provide data access control mechanisms As long as users know the specific business of multicast addresses, and they can be audited not to join the communications group and obtained a copy of the data. 但组播通信协议并没有提供数据访问控制机制,用户只要获知特定业务使用的组播地址就可以不经审核地加入通信组并获得数据的拷贝。
The main contents and conclusions of this paper are as follows: ( 1) Study on spatial data access control policy. 论文的研究内容与结论包括:(1)空间数据的访问控制策略研究。
At the same time, the data access using distributed control, to avoid the leakage of data possible, strengthen the system security. 同时,数据存取采用分布式集中控制,避免了数据泄露的可能,加强了系统安全性。
According to the control signal needed by the data access, control access that can make the data access well-functioned is designed; VHDL is used to realize control access and break controller. 4. 根据数据通路所需要的控制信号,设计能使数据通路有效工作的控制通路;采用VHDL实现控制通路和中断控制器。
In the application of server-side, from system design point of view of implementation, application system can be divided into data access, access control, reports, interviews and data entry module. 在应用服务器端,从系统设计实现的角度考虑,应用系统可分为数据访问、权限控制、报表访问和数据录入模块。
In the framework of the system flexibility and scalability, and data access control, etc., are to meet the needs of users. So, the system has better prospect and can strengthen values effectively. 该系统在框架的灵活性和可拓展性,以及数据访问权限控制等方面,都较好地满足了用户的需求,具有较好的使用和推广价值。
The key technical points including sensor drivers, network drivers, data scheduling, access control and security, event management, bootstrap& registration and configuration management. 其中,关键技术点主要包括传感器驱动、网络驱动、数据调度、访问控制和安全性、事件管理、引导和注册和配置管理等。